In order to prevent the serious and absurd risk of Fiat considering itself an inviolable and sacred institution of the State, on the same level as the Royal Dynasty, the Catholic Church, and the Regime, and making continuous claims, we must consider Fiat a private enterprise like thousands of others, the fate of which the State may also ignore. Fiat has many workers, it’s in good shape, but that does not give it the right to demand special privileges. […] Let Fiat go its way and let the Regime go its own. Fiat is a private company; this quasi-obsession – basically blackmail – with what it does or does not do, will do or will not do, must end…
Mussolini to the Prefect of Turin
During His Majesty the King’s visit, the Fiat management counted and paid three extra hours of work that had been lost during the royal visit; instead, the three hours lost due to Your Excellency’s visit were deducted from the workers’ weekly wages… Almost as if they wanted to give the impression that Your Excellency’s visit cost each worker a part of his wages.
The Prefect of Turin to Mussolini