In Europe we had reached the peak of absurdity in which every factory built in one State was a thorn in the side of every other State: that while the magnificent technical inventions of steam-powered transport on land and sea, of electricity-driven engines, of the telegraph and the telephone had erased distances and turned the world into a single large, international market, little men scurried around doing everything in their power to undo the immense benefits of the great discoveries, artificially creating isolated markets and small centers of production and consumption.
Giovanni Agnelli and Attilio Cabiati,
Federazione europea o Lega delle Nazioni?

In a statement from 1924, Fiat explained: “There is a persistent belief on the part of some people that the Fiats used in the USA are made in America. This is incorrect. […] Every Fiat whether used here (in the USA) or in Hindustan is made at the main plant in Turin, Italy.“
On the right: One of the packing stages for shipment of Fiat cars by sea, the Lingotto plant, 1925.